Program in Details - 6 November 2015

Time: 1000 - 1500
Pre-Congress Instructional Course Lectures
Moderators : Chi-Yuk Lau, Siu-Leung Yip
Venue: S226 + S227
1000 - 1100
Registration (Pre-Congress Instructional Course Lectures)

1100 - 1130
Fundamental Principles and Practices of Gait Analysis
Matthew Nixon
1130 - 1150
Non operative treatment for spinal problem:
Spinal Injection and active conservative treatment
Ying-Kei Chan
1150 - 1210
Soft tissue reconstruction ladder, from simple to complex
Marco Innocenti
1210 - 1240
Fundamental Principles & Practice of Upper Limb Orthotic Devices
Shelley M Chow
1240 - 1330
Lunch Break

1330 - 1400
Casting: Basic Science & Clinical Practices
Kin-Bong Lee
1400 - 1430
Principle & Practice of Lower Limb Prosthetics
Alexander CK Au Yang
1430 - 1450
Wheelchair: A Clinician Guides
Chor-Yin Lam
1450 - 1500

Time: 1335 - 1450
Concurrent Session I: Paediatric Orthopaedics Chapter
Venue: S225
Non-Accidental Injury - Self equip guide for this distressing situation
Moderators: Bobby KW Ng, Wang Chow

1315 - 1445
Registration HKOA Annual Congress

1330 - 1345
Non-Accidental Injury -The role of Orthopaedic Surgeon- clinical and legal

Keith Willett
1345 - 1357

Non-Accidental Injury Local experience- Epidemiology, Service Structure and Clinical Management
Chi-Ming Fong
1357 - 1400

Paediatric Lower Limb Trauma
Moderators: Chi-Ming Fong, Michael To
1400 - 1415
Management of Paediatric Triplane Fractures – an Update of Current Trends and Treatment Methods
Mathew Nixon
1415 - 1425
Highlights of Paediatric Lower Limb Trauma I: Femur
Evelyn Kuong
1425 - 1435
Highlights of Paediatric Lower Limb Trauma II: Tibia
Alec Hung
1435 - 1445
Highlights of Paediatric Lower Limb Trauma III: Periarticular Fracture
Wai-ming Chan
1445 - 1450

1445 - 1515
Tea Break

Time: 1330 - 1445
Concurrent Session II: Sports Medicine
Moderators : Chun-Kwong Lo , Chester WH Lie
Venue : S228
1330 - 1350
Anatomic ACL Reconstruction: Is it the best?
Joon-Ho Wang
1350 - 1410
Arthroscopic management for shoulder instability in Collision/ Contact Athletes
Hiroyuki Sugaya
1410 - 1430
Clinical practice versus evidence base for common arthroscopic procedures, do we have to change our mindset?
Christer Rolf
1430 - 1445

1445 - 1515
Tea Break

Time: 1515 - 1745
Plenary Session I - Minimally Invasive Surgery in Orthopaedics: The Trend, the Breakthrough & the Way Forward
Moderators : Ka-ho Ng, Yiu-Chung Wun
Venue : S221
1515 - 1540
State of the Arts--Endoscopic lumbar diskectomy
Akira Dezawa
1540 - 1605
Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Surgery : History, Breakthrough and the Future direction
Hiroyuki Sugaya
1605 - 1630
Arthroscopy of the Wrist and Hand
Pak-Cheong Ho
1630 - 1655
Minimally Invasive Anterior Total Hip Arthroplasty
Stefen Kreuzer
1655 - 1720
Arthroscopic technique for ankle ligament problems
Masato Takao
1720 - 1745
Percutaneous osteotomy, arthrodesis, and bone shaving in foot & ankle surgery
Tun-Hing Lui
1800 - 2200
Welcome Reception